
Jaap Vogel

Jaap was previously president of Landcare and on the management of the Chamber of Commerce. Career-wise he spent most years in medical and pharmaceutical marketing and management. It’s beneficial that he also has a degree in Artificial Intelligence.
“I have been involved from the moment we got the original TM telescope donated in 2017. I love the Astronomy and Space aspects, but establishing a Social Enterprise at this scale is just as much an incentive. 
It’s a privilege to work in this great community, with so many skilled and dedicated volunteers to turn it into a viable Not for profit Business.”

Vice President

Alison Rip


Karen Webster


Myriam Marrchand

Director Social Media & Website

Phil Collier 

Director Operations

Michael Hopkins


Multi Media Advisor

Coming soon


With a lifetime interest in space and extensive experience, in particular with education, Stephen has been recognised at the local, national and international levels. Having studied at QUT, Griffith University and USQ, Stephen is an award winning High School teacher specialising in Design and STEM, creating exhibits for The Brisbane Planetarium, coaching and mentoring school teams for the Australian Space Settlement Design Competition, and working alongside educators at NASA's Kennedy Space Center. 
“I am a firm believer in this project and have volunteered to help guide the educational direction of TM Universe, with a particular emphasis on providing National Curriculum opportunities for schools. I recall the words of reply Astronaut David Bowman gave in the movie '2010' when asked what was going to happen – “Something wonderful!”

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